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RSA Archer – Basic Definitions

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RSA Archer Login Page

RSA Archer – Basic Definitions

A few of the basic terms in RSA Archer will be explained in this post. These are commonly used to define the data stored in the application.

  1. Value: The smallest unit of information in data entry is known as value. It could be in the form of text, list, date, or any other format.
  2. Field: A field is a collection of a particular type of value. RSA Archer offers a diverse selection of fields, such as date, numeric entry, text, selection, etc.
  3. Record: Records are known as data entry in RSA Archer. It consists of various fields which are related to each other.
  4. Application: RSA Archer consists of different applications. Each application has a specific purpose to collect a specific type of record.
  5. Questionnaire: Questionnaire is a type of application that is used to conduct a survey. Generally, the questionnaire is linked with an application to gather user experience about that application.
  6. Solution: A Solution is used to group different applications together in a bundle. These applications belong to the same genre and together form a solution for the organization.
    For example, Incident Management solution, which consists of various applications, namely, Contacts, Incidents, Response Procedure, Whistleblower, Facilities, etc.
  7. Workspace: Workspaces contain different Solutions. It helps to organize the RSA Archer. therefore, the Workspace contains solutions and solutions contains applications.
  8. Report: When users search certain records based on some criteria, it gives us a report. This report can be saved for future reference as well.
  9. Chart: Graphical display of a report is known as Chart.
  10. iView: iView is the quick window of the information displayed to the users which are derived from the report.
  11. Dashboard: Users can create a Dashboard that contains a distinct set of iViews. Dashboards are used to organize iViews and get an overall idea about the records added in the application.
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